About a year ago, I started working a job that confined me to a desk (against my will). This was a major adjustment especially since I had never had a position where I was required to sit behind a desk for about 9 hours a day!
I quickly realized how easy it was to fall into a sedentary lifestyle. So here’s what I do to try to stay on the straight and narrow.
1. Get up: Walk around outside or up and down the halls. Don’t just get up from your desk when you have to use the restroom or when you need to go to the printer.
2. Have healthy snacks on hand: Keep your office area stocked with healthy snacks, this keeps you from going to the snack machines.
3. Bring your lunch: Fix your lunch the night before so there’s no question when 12:00 rolls around
4. Commit to an exercise plan: Take your gym clothes to work with you and change at work…to make sure you go work out.
5. Drink water not cokes or coffee!
These are 5 simple modifications you can make to put you on a path to healthy office habits!
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