Question: I need tips on how to lose weight. My goal is to lose between 5 and 8 pounds.
Answer: As a young lady in your early twenties who is relatively active with a genetically small build, dropping 5-8 pounds should be rather simple. BUT, in order to lose weight, three (3) things MUST be in place in order to achieve maximum results. These three things go hand in hand and they all work together to promote weight loss.
- Healthy mindset: This is one of the most important components of weight loss because if you have not made up in your mind to accomplish the goal…it will never happen
- Healthy Eating Habits: I suggest journaling as a way to hold yourself accountable. I have never been a fan of the word diet; but I am a fan of lifestyle change. Find what works best for YOUR body, because what works for someone else may not work for you. Lastly, minimize your snack, sugar, caffeine and fried food consumption and INCREASE your fruit, vegetable, and water consumption.
- Physical Activity: A person your age should do at LEAST 30 minutes of moderate exercise everyday to maintain weight, but to lose weight you must do at least 60 minutes of vigorous exercise at LEAST 3 days per week.

Other suggestions I have are to find things you like to do to help you stay dedicated, push yourself (not too far though), and find someone to exercise with you. Lastly, healthy weight loss is between 1.5 and 2 pounds per week; so realistically speaking it should take you about a month to drop the pounds.
I hope this answer has been helpful. Please feel free to share, ask more questions, etc.!
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