Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It's a Mind Thing

As I have entered another month of bootcamp, there are some things that I have learned to accept. Although, I have always understood these things, they have now become clearer to me. Those two concepts are:

1. Living a healthy lifestyle begins with a healthy mindset.

2. Once someone commits to a healthy lifestyle and starts seeing results (physically, mentally, etc) they crave more.

Yes, these two things are on complete opposite ends of the spectrum, but I have found that when it comes to healthy living, there is little to no gray area.

Understanding and accepting things are very different. At this moment I am happy to say that I can understand AND accept both.

So how did I come up with these two concepts? I am observant…very observant. I have noticed that people want to live a healthy lifestyle, but they have a hard time giving up the things that are comfortable for them (fattening foods, sedentary lifestyle, etc). In order to make this change, one MUST make it up in their mind that they want to make a change. Unfortunately, very often it takes some significant event such as the loss of a loved one or a less than average health report to serve as a scare tactic to get a person to live healthy.

On the contrary, once one has made it up in their mind to live healthy and they begin to experience the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, they tend to want to keep that up. There’s just something about walking past a mirror and doing a double take because you see a muscle that you never saw before. As a people, we are results driven, once we start experiencing positive results we want to keep up the behaviors that yielded those results.

With all of this being said, it has been very hard for me to accept that everyone is not ready to live a healthy lifestyle.

Now that I have accepted that I cannot make up anyone’s mind for them; I can only continue doing what I love to do and continue to make people aware of the benefits of healthy living.

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