For my first highlight, I interviewed my aunt, Dr. Rosilin Wright. This lady is one of the strongest women I know! She is a true servant at heart and I am so thankful to have her influence in my life. Even through her battle with breast cancer she never stopped giving and helping others!
I must admit, her interview really touched my heart partially because I expected her answers to be 95% medically accurate (LOL)! But, I hope you can take away something from this short interview with her and share it with others who may be affected in some way by breast cancer!

NH: Once diagnosed a woman and her body go through several changes that take a toll on her mentally, physically, and spiritually. Throughout your process, what was the hardest change for you to adjust to?
RW: The hair loss had to be the most devastating change. Though you know your hair is going to come out there is nothing to prepare you for the loss. You lose all of your hair including your eye lashes and brows. For many of us, our hair helps define us. Once I lost my hair I really didn't look or feel like me!
NH: What helped you to get through each day? (family, friends, devotion, church, music, etc)
RW: My wonderful husband helped me make it through each day. He was very supportive and understanding.
NH: What would your advice be to a current breast cancer patient?
RW: No matter how tough times get, continue to keep the faith and pray. Enjoy your good days and surround yourself with supportive friends and family members.
NH: What would your advice be to women in general?
RW: I encourage all women to do their monthly self breast exams and become familiar with their own breasts and get their routine screening mammograms.
NH: How has this positively impacted your life? Has this given you a new philosophy for life? What can others take from your experience?
RW: My new philosophy is "Live, Love & Laugh." I was previously a workaholic and never really enjoyed life. Now I realize that time is precious. Every day I wake up happy, and I live each day to its fullest.
I encourage you to be proactive about your breast health….and “LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH”
Great interview with Ra-Ra!! She always have been and always will be a very beautiful lady inside and out!! I understand her philosophy completely!!!