If you haven’t already gotten the hint, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Pink ribbons are everywhere…from twibbons on Twitter and Facebook to pink articles being embraced by the National Football League to bumper stickers saying “Save the TaTas.” As a health educator who has a vested interest in the topic of breast health, I feel obligated to give my two cents on the issue.
Last October, my 37 year old aunt….who by the way is a very healthy physician, was diagnosed with breast cancer. This came as a shocker to my family, being that she is the “in house physician” for all of my families members…including me!
So throughout this whole ordeal, I have learned a few things about breast cancer that I must share with you!

1. Breast Cancer has no preference: My aunt was only 37 when she was diagnosed and as I mentioned earlier, a perfectly healthy physician. Last year I also met a 24 year old breast cancer patient. This shows that we are all at risk and we should all take preventive measures.
2. There are different types of breast cancer: If you are someone you know is diagnosed with breast cancer research the type of breast cancer, this will help when deciding on treatment options.
3. Breast Self Exams are important: My aunt found the lump, which was so small the doctors wondered how she found it. Statistics (American Cancer Society) show that most women find lumps through breast self exams.

4. There are tests that determine the risk of recurrence
a. Oncotype test: measured on a scale of 1-100, the higher the score the higher the risk of recurrence
b. BRCA Gene Testing: if the test determines that a woman has the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation then the woman is at a higher risk of developing breast cancer or a higher risk of recurrence.
5. Family support is essential: Women diagnosed with breast cancer will experience many physical and emotional changes from the moment of diagnosis to treatment. It is important that family create a positive support system physically, mentally, and spiritually.
I encourage you to educate yourselves, sisters, aunts, cousins, mothers, etc on the issue of breast cancer.
Please take the time to visit my good friend Damarius Pernell’s Non-Profit Breast Cancer organization, the Gloria Ivy Breast Cancer Organization. He’s working for a good cause!
Also, take the time to do something for the cause, whether its just buying a t shirt or pin or participating in a breast cancer walk…just get involved!

O and by the way…my aunt is doing great! She will be celebrating her 38th birthday this Wednesday, Oct. 13th! Be on the lookout for interviews from her and other breast cancer survivors!
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