Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A New Attitude for Life

As most of you know, inspiring others to take charge of their health is what I absolutely love to do! I love hearing people talk about how making small changes have really had a positive impact on their life. Well, today’s post is very near and dear to my heart. I am featuring one of my BFF’s Miss Janice Hicks! Janice and I have known each other since college and I consider her to be one of my very best friends! Janice or JANET as I like to call her, started on a journey to a healthy lifestyle…a little over a year ago, I would say. I say a little over year ago because before she was committed to working out (even at 5:00 in the am), but for the last year I have really noticed a change in her. She is excited about living a healthier lifestyle…holistically, which is what we should all strive for. She has communicated with me the benefits that she is experiencing…with her “new attitude.”

About a month ago, I received an email from Janice with some before and after pictures and I must say…she looks ABSOLUTLEY AMAZING! Don’t get me wrong…she is one of the most beautiful women that I know (both inside and out), but just from looking at her pictures I can tell she has a “New Attitude for Life.” She has always been the happy go lucky type, but there’s a little extra twinkle in her eyes now…and I’m happy about that!

I know she won’t mind me sharing, so here are a few highlights from the email she sent me! I was so excited that I had to call her instead of emailing her back!

Janice has referred to me as her “long distance personal trainer,” but I give her 110% of the credit for her hard work and dedication to a healthier lifestyle.

From June 2009-October 2010 Janet has lost a total off 44 pounds with only 9 pounds to go before she reaches her goal weight!!!!


“I know focus is the key ......I feel great and am in good shape right now. I run a mile often which is something I had never done before last year this time!”


“I have made several positive changes in my life and living a healthy lifestyle is one. The weight loss is only the physical change (and what people usually see). The mental and emotional changes are the really important changes and the reason I am able to lose weight! It’s definitely mind over matter!”

I am ecstatic about Janice’s transformation and even more excited to see what’s to come! I hope this has inspired you to get up and get active and lead a healthier lifestyle! It definitely has inspired me to keep putting the message out there!


  1. Absolutely stunning. You look beautiful Janet!! Not that u didn't before lol.. Love you!! A Harm

  2. Aw Jan!! You are stunning as always--even more so now!! Both of you two are great inspirations!! Love you both!
