The fitness challenge is going really good so far. On the first day, my body was definitely shocked. I could see blotches and everything. The second day, which was cardio, was challenging. There were some sequences I did not think I would be able to complete, however, the competitive nature of people pushes you to try harder. While on this challenge, I have discovered how easy I have been taking it on myself. I thought I was having good workouts…and I guess you could say they were good…just not great. I would focus on one thing, and that’d be it. This fitness challenge involves an entire body workout. Having a trainer and a few people to try to keep up with, really helps me make that extra push…even when I don’t want to.
** Check out Krystal's Natural Hair blog conversationstarter411.blogspot.com***
Krystal I totally agree. You guys being there really gives me the extra boost I need. The soreness that I have in the morning tells me my work-out has not been as effective as I thought. From Ashley didn't know how to select my profile