As I reflect on this journey, I would like to leave you and my participants with a few thoughts that I have learned from this boot camp and from my experience as a personal trainer and health educator.

“Being healthy MUST become a way of life…not just something you do for a short period of time to reach a goal.”
Every personal trainer has their own teaching style. For me, I do not use diets to help my clients obtain their goals. I use the substitution and modification method. This way you gradually work your way to a healthy lifestyle. Yes, the process may be a little bit longer than some, but in my opinion the long term benefits are more important.
"Focus on small incremental changes that you can maintain."
I have learned that you cannot force a healthy lifestyle on anyone. I use to take everything to heart when people didn't want to listen to my message or didn't want to attend my bootcamps, but I quickly learned that everyone must make that choice for themselves. With that being said, I encourage you to "make a healthy lifestyle change for yourself before its too late!"
** Be on the look out for information about September’s Boot Camp. Encourage others to participate**