Sometimes I find myself lying awake in the wee hours of the morning watching the most random stuff on television…as in infomercials. I realize they make all this exercise equipment look so enticing…to the point where we think “this is our beach body savior.” So what do we do? We call the 1-800 numbers because we only have about 15 minutes to purchase before the price skyrockets (go figure). I have people come up to me all the time asking “what do you think about this or that…” In my opinion, nothing worth having is going to come easy, so I’m a fan of good fashioned hard work. So…with all of this being said I put on my little thinking cap and tried to figure out how I can 1. Help people with these questions and 2. Save them a truck load of money at the same time. That’s when my little light bulb clicked on! So my plan is to give you my review and opinion of some of these “as seen on TV” or “Get a beach body in two days” items. My first victim: Shaun T’s Hip Hop Abs.

Now I love me some workout videos that I can do on a “lazy” day and if it involves dancing…I’m pretty much SOLD! I’ve been doing Hip Hop Abs for about 2 years now and overall I will say that it is a good investment. But, since I’m not being paid by Shaun T to market this product, I must give you MY pros and cons.
o Short: 20 minute exercise. This gives you something to do on those days when you just can’t make yourself go to the gym, but you NEED some type of exercise.
o Variety: There are several different DVD’s that you can purchase for all of your fitness needs. My personal favorite is the Hips, Buns and Thighs
o FUN: this lets you dance while exercising at the same time. The DVD's even have a section that will teach you a whole hip hop dance!
o Colorful: As a female I like things that are aesthetically pleasing and Hip Hop Abs is full of color, from the music to the color of the room, right down to the clothes the people have on.
o Short: despite what the advertisements say, you CAN NOT (solely) do these videos everyday and achieve maximum results.
o Price: If you buy all of the DVDs at once it can be kind of pricey (around 60 bucks)
o If you do not like to dance then this is not something you will like.
So, as you can see, in my opinion, hip hop abs is a pretty good investment…if you want a quick workout. Check out more about Hip Hop Abs at
Enjoy and YOUR opinions are welcome!
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