As I browsed through my News Feed on Facebook last night, I found many differing opinions on the BET Special "Heart of the City: Dying to Eat in Jackson." The comments included things such as: "this is exploitation of MS people" "Star Jones should not have been the host," "Why, MS? We're already the poorest state." My comment to all of these is simply: THE TRUTH HURTS.
I do believe that BET could have selected a host that did not have such a drama filled weight loss story. There were some major issues behind Star Jones weight loss regimen, which in some ways discounted her as a credible source to deliver the program.
Despite my issues with the host, I do believe that this show was very much needed. We give the spotlight to everything under the sun...so why not shine a light on an issue that is killing our nation.
The special gave insight to personal stories of obesity and how it has negatively affected so many lives. One of the ladies in particular had both her mother and sister succumb to health issues associated with obesity within a span of 2 years. This unfortunate turn of events prompted her to make a major lifestyle change. More of us should decide to make that change. It should not take the death of a family...or 2 for us to change our lives.
Here are just a few statistics on obesity in Mississippi. After taking a look at these startling numbers, I hope that you realize that this is a serious issue that is completely preventable.
-Mississippi is ranked as the UNHEALTHIEST state...its been that way for a couple of years now.
-32.5% of individuals in Mississippi are considered obese
-31.7% of adults in Mississippi are considered obese.
-44.4% of Mississippi children ages 10-17 are considered obese.
These numbers should show you that obesity is a problem, this is not even to mention the health issues associated with obesity (heart disease, diabetes, etc).
All in all, I firmly believe that the special was much needed. As I say to so many people "Everyone wants to change, but no one wants to put in the work." I hope that this special encouraged at least 1 person to make a change for the better!
NaKeitra I completely agree with your comments. Like you said "The Truth Hurts". I live in Alabama and it is just as bad as Mississippi. I know we have delicious, decadent, fattening foods here in the south, but only if we would learn how to eat those foods in moderation, and get up off our sofa and get in at least thirty minutes of exercise a day. We wouldn't have some of the health issues you mentioned. Like you said "everyone wants to change but no one wants to put in the work." People need to ask themselves is that last piece of fried chicken really worth it???"