Many of you may or may not know that I write for the Community Newsflash each month. Since the New Year is fast approaching, I decided to focus on helping my readers set attainable New Years Resolutions. I decided to post the article because so many of us have a hard time keeping our New Year's Resolutions. ENJOY!
It’s that time again! Its time to make that New Years Resolution and map out a plan of how to accomplish that goal before the next year rolls around. Most of our New Years Resolutions revolve around losing that holiday weight or becoming more financially stable. As I have said before, I’m neither an accountant nor a financial advisor, therefore I will focus on helping you set and achieve your health relates goals. In doing so I would like to pose a challenge for YOU to add to your resolution!
CHALLENGE: Each month, I get many compliments on the articles from: “I love the articles” to “please keep writing those articles they are so helpful.” My question to you is: can you honestly say that you are taking heed to the tips that I am providing each month? If not, as part of your New Year’s Resolution I ask that as you read the articles each month please try to take at least one thing from them and apply it to your life. Is that too much to ask?
A New Year’s resolution can be defined as a commitment that an individual makes to a project or the reforming of a habit. It is often a lifestyle change that is generally interpreted as beneficial. One research showed that 52% of participants in a New Year’s Resolution study were confident that they would be successful with their goal, while only 12% of those actually achieved the goal. This just shows how we talk a good game, but often let other factors deter us from our goals.
As we will be ringing in the New Year in less than a month I ask that you take some time to really think out your resolutions and try to make them in a way that will:
1. Challenge you to achieve a goal
2. Be attainable: setting unattainable goals plays a major role in why people do not stick to their resolutions.
3. Be beneficial to your short term and long term health status.
It is important that you are clear, concise and specific when making your New Year’s Resolution. I also encourage you to put it on paper and stick it in a place that will constantly remind you of your goals (Ex. Mirror, wall in your office, etc.). This method helps you hold yourself accountable for your actions. If you are really serious about it, I suggest that you journal each day to help you see your progress and what areas you need to work harder at.
Here’s an example to help you get started. First, it is important to remind you that the “Resolution” is your goal, this is what you strive to ultimately obtain. In order to achieve your goal/resolution, you must set objectives, or steps to help you reach that goal. Look at it as if you were trying to reach the top of a ladder. There’s no way to reach the top without taking it step by step with each step being important in helping you make it to the top.
Instead of this:
Resolution: Lose 20 lbs by Jan. 1, 2011
Eat Better
Try this…
Resolution: To become physically fit by Jan. 1, 2011
Exercise 3-5 times per week: strength training/toning as well as cardio.
Increase my daily fruit and vegetable intake.
Lose 20 pounds by April 1, 2010
Get off of blood pressure medication
Remove high calorie/sugar drinks from my diet (cokes, juice) and increase my water consumption to 64oz per day
This is a very basic example of what your resolution should look like. I hope that this serves as a template for you to start thinking about your health goals for the next year. As we know, Mississippi has been noted as the unhealthiest state with the most obese children. We can change this, but it starts with a healthy mindset. Therefore, as we quickly approach January 1, 2010, I encourage you to put some thought into where you are now, (as far as health is concerned) and where you want/NEED to be and make your resolutions accordingly!
Nakeitra Hill, B.S, M.S, CHES
Certified Personal Trainer